Do  you know the feeling when you are counting down the days to the important exam or test, but no force can make you sit down and actually open the book, or - let's be modern - switch on the laptop and open the file. And the only thing which can change this attitude is the early morning dream about actually failing the exam, when you wake up with the realization of the lost chance and regret that you haven't spent enough time  learning, and then... la-la-la, all of the sudden you realise that you still have a few days to get ready! 

Ok, you may have never experienced anything like this, but this is the way I currently feel. My driving theory test is fast approaching and today I went as far as holding the CD in my hands for about 2 minutes, before having been interrupted by my hubby.. Needless to say, I didn't touched again this evening. 

So before my brain completely shuts down for the night for the meditation before tomorrow's very important meeting with the client at 8.30am which is leaving me enough time to grab a cup of latte from the local coffee place (the guys there knowing I am always in a hurry manage to make me a cuppa within 40 seconds to ensure I get my train), here is a small report from our trip to Copenhagen last weekend. This was the first place on our agenda - Danish Design Museum which hosted a live and quite impressing exhibition - ROCOCO MANIA.

The museum tried to to draw the parallels between the present day and the past - in particular the 18the century. 

The collection of the monkey hats below reminded me about friend's explanation of sharing the problems with other people - from the memory it equates to placing your own monkeys on someone else's head! Or rather three of them...

Taking their inspirations from the rococo period, three Danish clothing artists, Nikoline Liv Andersen, Laura Baruel and Anna Damgaard, present a contemporary interpretation of the themes featured in the exhibition. 

I picked up the catalogue which provides a good deal of history and explanation behind each item of the exhibition but clearly the event is worth visiting so hurry up as it closes this weekend!

vasha Tasha